Books and Guides
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Part Number: BXPORTEASY_

Price: $10.99
Lights, Camera, and Photography: Portrait Photography Made Easy is the manual for any novice photographer who wants to unlock the potential of their digital camera and take better photographs. 128 pages | Published 2017 | PDF (download-only) edition
Part Number: B_GENDOOVR_

Price: $3.99
The Genealogy Do-Over journey is constructed of 12 mileposts or journey markers that are laid out over one year. You can choose to pace yourself differently. You can even decide to drop some of the less important tasks and add your own. Do whatever it takes to ensure that you are on a firm footing to finding your ancestors. 67 pages | Published 2023 | PDF (download-only) edition
Part Number: B_AFTERGON_

Price: $3.99
Try as we might, we really have little control over what will happen to our possessions, even our bodies, after we die. Yes, we can draw up legal documents, we can express our wishes to family members and more; however, there are no guarantees when it comes to these matters. The best we can do is prepare, plan and communicate now.
Part Number: B_IOWA_RES

Price: $19.95
Explore the types of records for doing genealogical research in Iowa. Each county is fully covered, plus holdings in libraries and courthouse records. There are hundreds of URLs. Some of the topics ... Ethnic Settlements; Iowa's Large Repositories and Archives; Religious Records; Orphan Trains and City Directories. 410 pages | Revised Edition, published 2014 | PDF (download-only) edition
Price: Varies
Scrivener by Literature and Latte is a popular combination word processor and project management tool that’s affordable and simple to use. This powerful application seamlessly takes you from idea to outline to finished product. Whether you want to start a blog, write a book, prepare a client report, or presentation, or publish a cookbook or society newsletter, Scrivener has you covered.
The Scrivener for Genealogists Quick Sheet gives you all of the basics you need to know to get up and running with Scrivener. Learn how to start a project, edit, and format your work, and get an overview of the key components of the Scrivener interface, and its four main modes – Outline, Document View, Corkboard, and Scrivenings. Use the listed Quick Command keys to access many of Scrivener’s main functions and project and interface shortcuts right from your keyboard. Additional resources and suggestions for online help are listed for those who wish to explore this program’s more advanced features. The Scrivener Quick Sheet is available in both Mac and Windows versions and easily fits into a laptop bag or backpack.
Part Number: B_500BEST_

Price: $5.95 $4.95
500 Best Genealogy & Family History Tips could best be described as a “brain dump” of me, Thomas MacEntee, and my many years of knowledge about genealogy and family history. Basically, what I’ve done is to extract my favorite tips and tricks from over 85 presentations, 40 cheat sheets, 10 books and numerous articles. In addition, I’ve reviewed the social media posts and conversations from Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms to highlight those issues most important to today’s genealogists. 93 pages | Published 2023 | PDF (download-only) edition
Price: Varies
"If you didn't believe it before now, Geoff Rasmussen will convince you that our ancestors want to be found as much as we want to find them. Whether you're new to genealogy or struggling with a brick wall in your research, Kindred Voices will inspire you in your quest to reach out to those who came before us. C'mon, they're waiting for you!" - Megan Smolenyak, author of Hey, America, Your Roots Are Showing
Part Number: B_NEBRASKA_

Price: $24.95
Everything you need to know about doing genealogical research in Nebraska! It contains historical and geographical information, plus information for each county in the state. There are hundreds of URLs that will link to web pages that are a must when doing genealogical research. Some of the topics ... Trails, Road and Forts; Ethnic Groups; Land Laws and Records; Institutional Records in Nebraska and Farming and Ranching Records. 536 pages | Revised Edition, published 2014 | PDF (download-only) edition
Part Number: B_ORALHIST_

Price: $3.49
Preserving Your Family’s Oral History and Stories provides you with all the information on the latest methods and tools used to capture and preserve those family stories. In addition, once you’ve learned how it easy it is to build a family archive of stories, you’ll want to share them with others using the tips and tricks provided in this book. 40 pages | Published Nov 2013 | PDF (download-only) edition
Part Number: B_TRIPPIN_

Price: $2.99
Whether you've been researching your family history for over twenty years or you are just getting started, there comes a time when you need a trip to assist you in your research. There are many options available to genealogists: some within the genealogy community and others in the greater travel industry that can be adapted for research trips. 26 pages | Published 2023 | PDF (download-only) edition
Part Number: B_DIGGING_

Price: $24.95
Digging Deeper is more than a reference book for genealogists, family historians, and reference librarians. It is an instruction manual for any family historian. Using Internet and computerized databases as a jumping-off point, you can find jewels of evidence in other less-commonly used records--those valued for the secrets they reveal about long-forgotten families. 352 pages | Published 2011 | PDF (download-only) edition | 8.5" x 11" | Full color
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